Case Studies:


Situation:  A $25MM manufacturer was facing a tough decision.  A legacy leader with extensive company history and customer relationships was getting in the way of the next generation management team.  Both obvious solutions, a separation package or waiting for him to retire, seemed wrong.

Response:  Jill Zoromski worked with the CEO to develop a 24-month transition strategy for the long-term leader.  The process allowed him to step down gradually as he transferred knowledge and responsibility to new leaders.  The plan also acknowledged his work in the community and helped him to create more time to devote to things he cared about.

Result:  This step-down process has created the best possible transition for both the leader and his successor. 

Succession Planning and Executive Transition


Situation:  An Illinois Human Capital firm has been growing at a break-neck pace.  That’s good.   Their Human Resources department was not keeping up—records were a mess, compliance issues were multiplying and employees were not getting help when they needed it.  That’s bad.

Response:  JaZ Humanagement conducted a full audit of the firm’s HR practices following every stage of the employee lifecycle. 

Result:  Within 8 weeks, the company had a full review of its HR functions along with recommendations for problem areas:  Humanagement categorized issues as urgent, important, and for longer-term consideration. 

HR Assessment


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